Phone: (256) 768-2500


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education Masters of Arts in Education (School Counseling)

Mr. Ben Bradford

Why hello there.  My name is Ben Bradford.  I am one of two counselors here at the Hill.  Most students and faculty refer to me as Mr. B.  I am from the land across the river, Muscle Shoals.  I graduated from Muscle Shoals in 2006.  From there I became a youth minister throughout college and graduated with my Bachelors in Elementary Education in 2011 from the University of North Alabama.  I taught at various schools in the area and finally planted roots at Forest Hills.  I taught 3rd grade here for seven years. During that time, I went back and got my masters in School Counseling and got the privilege of putting my new education to the test.  I am married to my amazing wife Hannah and we have two awesome children Ellie and Peyton.  If I ever have any free time I am usually out playing guitar or hiking/camping with my partner in crime Digger, my border collie.  If I can ever help you with anything please do not hesitate to contact me.