Foundational Literacy Skills
Let's Support Reading Together!
Learning to read begins at home through everyday parent-child interactions, long before children attend school. Your continued support of literacy development throughout elementary school positively affects your child's reading ability.
Parent Portal
Stay Informed on Grades!
Parents may utilize the PowerSchool Parent Portal to keep up-to-date on the progress of their children's grades, attendance, and other important areas. If you don't have access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please contact your child's school office to learn more about obtaining login information.
Response to Instruction
Providing Support for Success!
Sometimes students fall significantly behind in their learning. When this happens in the fundamental areas of reading and mathematics, the consequences can extend across the entire spectrum of learning. To support students during these times, our district employs a progressive tiered approach called Response to Intervention (RTI). The basic idea is that different strategies are used in an intentional sequence that begins with the simplest solutions and elevates, if necessary, to intensive research-based intervention programs. The goal is to help students get back to grade-level expectations in the area of reading and math as quickly as possible. Struggling students are monitored by a team of caring educators at the school level.The school will communicate with parents if they are concerned about a student, but parents can also reach out to their student's counselor if they would like to seek assistance from the school's Problem-Solving Team.
AL Courses of Study
The Content Begins Here!
This link provides users direct access to all grade level and content area courses of study for students in Alabama K-12 Public Education.