Phone: (256) 768-3100


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Agricultural Education- Auburn University M.S. Agricultural Education and Communications- University of Florida Ed.S. Agricultural Education- Murray State University

Shelby Atwood

I am a Florence, AL native. I graduated from Florence High School in 2016. After six years in the local agricultural education program, I developed a strong passion for agriculture and the FFA. From this, I pursued a degree in Agricultural Education from Auburn University. In 2019, I graduated and returned to Florence to begin my teaching career. In 2021, I received a Master's degree in Agricultural Education and Communications. In 2023, I received an Education Specialist Degree in Agricultural Education.

Class Schedule

    • Florence Middle School Room 1137

      1st Period- Agriscience Exploration 

      2nd Period- Falcon 

      3rd Period- Agriscience Exploration 

      4th Period- Agriscience Exploration 

      5th Period- Planning

      6th Period- Agriscience Exploration 

      7th Period- Pre-Agriscience

      8th Period- Agriscience Exploration

Agricultural Education Student Organization

  • FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.

    FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give members the tools to achieve real-world success.

    Members are future chemists, veterinarians, government officials, entrepreneurs, bankers, international business leaders, teachers, and premier professionals in many career fields.

    FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.

    The official name of the organization is the National FFA Organization. The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of our history and our heritage that will never change.

    For more information please visit  or