• History of K12 Education in Florence

Superintendents of Florence City Schools

    1. James W. Morgan, Jr. – 1891-1892
    2. Henry C. Gilbert – 1892-1904
    3. Arthur F. Harmon – 1904-1906
    4. W.W. Hall – 1906-1907
    5. J.B. Lockhart – 1907-1913
    6. H.B. Norton – 1913-1916
    7. W.R. Harrison – 1916-1917
    8. F.T. Appleby – 1917-1932
    9. J.W. Powell – 1932-1958
    10. Rufus G. Hibbett – 1958-1966
    11. Joseph W. Blackston – 1966-1971
    12. Glen L. Farmer – 1971-1986
    13. Thomas N. Taylor – 1986 I don’t know his end date. He became very ill and was in a Birmingham hospital; his wife died at a hospital in Florence while he was in the Birmingham hospital. The Board installed Glen Farmer to complete Dr. Taylor’s term.
    14. Ed Barney – ?-June 2000
    15. Kendy Behrends – 2001-2010
    16. Janet Womack – 2010-2017
    17. The Honorable Jimmy Shaw! 2017 to Present


Timeline of Florence City Schools

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