Rhonda Henry, Media Specialist
Amber McLemore, Media Specialist
Monday – Friday
7:55a.m. – 3:35p.m.
Students may come to the media center for independent study, directed or recreational reading, or to check out books, etc.
Filtered Search Engines and AVL resources can be accessed from the “Student Resources” icon on the desktops of all library computers or from the “Online Resources” link found on the Florence City Schools’ Webpage
- Students may check out up to 5 books.
- Books are checked out for two 2 weeks.
- Books may be renewed as long as no one is waiting for them. You must bring books into the library for renewal.
- Reference books and books placed on Reserve cannot be checked out.
- Students cannot check out magazines, audio-visual materials, newspapers, or equipment.
NO Food or Beverages In the Library
Ask a librarian to assist you in using the Library Media Center.
Research Made Easy
The Big 6
What is the Big6?
The Big6 is an information problem—solving process. When you apply the Big6 steps, you have an essential framework to approach any information-based question
1) Task Definition
2) Information Seeking Strategies
- What resources can I use?
3) Location and Access
- Where can I find these resources?
4) Use of Information
- What can I use from these resources?
5) Synthesis
- What can I make to finish the job?
6) Evaluation
- How will I know that I did my job well?
Computerized CARD CATALOG
- A shortcut to the card catalog (Destiny) is located in the “Student Resources” file of all computers.
- Search for materials by key word, title, author and subject or series.
- Write down call number to locate book on shelf.
- Students must return a signed parental permission form before using the Internet or AVL
- Specific websites can be accessed through links located on the FCS webpage. Additionally, the ‘Student Resources” icon provides links to heavily used programs such as Destiny and AVL.
- Printing from computer is 5¢ per page.
AVL Online Resources
- The Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) is a collection of databases that contains mostly full-text articles from journals, magazines, newspapers, and encyclopedias. Any Alabama resident is eligible for free access to these databases.
- Students may have home access to AVL by obtaining a card through the school library. AVL can be accessed from all computers that are logged onto The Internet. Some of the databases which are appropriate for high school include:
Alabama Libraries
Auto Repair Reference Center
Biography Reference Bank
Britannica Online School Edition
Business and Company Resource Center
Business Index
Encyclopedia of Animals
EBSCO Search
Ethnic NewsWatch
Gale Power Search
Informe (Spanish)
InfoTrac Student Edition
Literature Resource from Gale
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Reference Online Premium
Serials Solutions
Sirs Knowledge Source
Student Research Center