Bus transportation is provided by the Florence City Board of Education under the state-sponsored transportation program.
Bus services are contracted through Ecco Ride of Alabama, LLC. Drivers must have their CDL licenses and all are fingerprinted for background checks by the State of Alabama.
Each bus is equipped with a video/audio camera to record the daily operations and behavior on the bus.
The following regulations govern the transportation program:
- To be eligible a student must live in the city limits of Florence and must live more than two miles from a school that serves his/her grade.
- Students are not picked up door-to-door; routes are set at designated intersections.
- Under federal law, students who need special transportation must have their special transportation needs specified in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.
- All K-6 bus riders must have an adult present with a bus placard to take possession of the student(s) at the bus stop.
- Under state law (Charles “Chuck” Poland, Jr. Act – Alabama Act 2013-347) NO person can Trespass on a school bus.
- Students may be assigned seats on the bus.
- Drivers will report discipline problems to the principal or assistant principal and if necessary, a student may be removed from riding a bus. Remember: bus transportation is a privilege and should never be abused.
- Each bus schedule shows the approximate pick-up time; students should be at the stop 8 to 10 minutes prior to the given time.