School Hours

  • Attendance is a key factor to the success of every students.  Ensuring consistent attendance and timely arrival will help promote success and growth for your child.  School operating hours are listed below.

    School Operating Hours			 School	Breakfast Served	Classes Begin	Classes   End Forest Hills Elementary	7:00am	7:30am	2:30pm Ha

Traffic Patterns

  • Your help in adhering to these traffic patterns is greatly appreciated and will help to ensure we dismiss your children to you as safely and effeciently as possible.  Thank you so much for ensuring that our drop off and pick up times are cell phone free.  Ensuring the safety of your children is our top priority and distracted driving, even at slow speeds in a parking lot, can cause irreporable harm that we all agree would be needless and avoidable.

Parent Drop Off/Pick Up

Picture of Hibbett's Drop Off/Pick Up Line