State of the Schools Address set for Thursday, January 23
(Photo: Dan Busey/Times Daily)
FLORENCE, Ala. — Florence City Schools Superintendent Dr. Jimmy Shaw will present the State of the Schools Address on Thursday, January 23, at 6 p.m. This year's event will take place at the Church of the Highlands Shoals campus at 751 County Road 46.
In his address, Dr. Shaw will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the One Florence brand, which unified the district during the 2004-05 school year when the Florence City Board of Education merged Bradshaw and Coffee high schools into Florence High School. This milestone also marked the adoption of the Falcon as the districtwide mascot.
Dr. Shaw will outline key aspects of the district's current board-approved strategic plan, which took effect with the 2023-24 school year; this includes the launch of The FALCON Way, a framework emphasizing seven core characteristics for students, faculty, and staff to embody. Additionally, the plan details the ongoing transition to a K-6 structure for the district's elementary schools, with Forest Hills, Harlan, Hibbett, and Weeden set to serve grades kindergarten through 6th grade by the 2025-26 school year.
Attendees will also enjoy musical performances by the Harlan Elementary School Show Choir throughout the event.