Florence High School and Freshman Center announce key scheduling events for students
FLORENCE, Ala. — Florence High School and Florence Freshman Center have released a schedule of key events to help students and parents prepare for the upcoming academic year. The events include informational sessions on course offerings, enrollment deadlines, and summer school registration.
The first event, an Early College, Dual, and Advanced Placement Meeting, will occur on Tuesday, February 4, at 6 p.m., in the Florence Freshman Center Falcon's Nest. Rising 9th-grade students and their families are invited to attend.
On Saturday, February 8, at 10 a.m., FFC and FHS will host a Scheduling Day in the Florence High School Auditorium. Rising 9th through 12th graders can explore the academic, athletic, career tech, foreign language, and fine arts course offerings available for the next school year.
Enrollment registration for ALL Florence City Schools will officially open on Tuesday, March 4, allowing students to register online at www.florencek12.org.
Students entering grades 9-12 must submit their course requests in PowerSchool by Friday, March 21. This deadline ensures students are placed in their preferred classes for the upcoming school year.
For those interested in summer coursework, registration forms and payments for Maymester, Summer Get Ahead, and Summer School Driver's Ed are due by Friday, April 11.
Additionally, the deadline to register and pay for Credit Recovery Summer School is Friday, May 30. The summer school session will run from Monday, June 2, to Tuesday, July 17, with a break from Monday, June 30, through Friday, July 4. Payments can be made at the school's bookkeeping office.
For more information, contact the Florence High School and Florence Freshman Center guidance offices.